Playing games with your mind keeps you sharp and boosts memory retention and powers of reasoning. 玩思维游戏会让大脑灵活、提高记忆力和思考能力。
Our mind selects information that is important and stores it in the memory for later use. 我们的大脑会选择重要的信息并将其储存于记忆里以备后用。
In which the mind@ requests@ and pulls out needed information from memory. 这时大脑会要求并从记忆中抽取所需的信息。
Keep this in mind and be shamed; let it come back to your memory, you sinners. 你们当想念这事,自己作大丈夫。悖逆的人哪,要心里思想。
Mounting evidence suggests that regular exercise can keep your mind sharp and increase learning and memory capacity. 越来越多的证据表明,经常运动可以使人思维敏捷,学习能力和记忆力提高。
Flesh the mind and enhance the thinking and memory abilities. 能使人精神振奋,增强思维和记忆能力。
Keep in mind that Mercury is again retrograde, and as a result, your memory or judgment may be off when buying gifts, booking hotels and flights, and engaging in negotiations. 请记住,水星逆行再次,作为一个结果,你的记忆可能会关闭或判决时买礼物,预订酒店和机票,并参加谈判。
The most essential characteristic of mind is memory, and there is no reason whatever to suppose that the memory associated with a given person survive, that person's death. 精神的核心特性是影象,并且没有任何理由去假想一个特定的人在他死后,其影象还存活。固然,也可以有充沛的理由去做相反的假想。
The human mind being what it is, we idealize what we don't have, and have a short term memory for all the bad times we went through when we had someone in our lives. 人的思想是什么,我们理想化什么,我们没有,有短期记忆的所有不好的时候,我们经历时,我们曾有人在我们生命。
I'm still in good health and have a clear mind and a good memory. What is wrong with old age if the guy is healthy? 我的身体还好,头脑还清楚,记忆力还不错。如果他身体还好好的,年纪大些又有什么关系?
Short-term memory permits the learner to hold information briefly in mind to make further sense of it and to connect it with other information that is already in long-term memory. 短时记忆允许学习者在大脑中持有简短的记忆并使其有意义,并将它和已有的长时记忆进行联结。
"With all thy mind"& its faculties of thought, of knowledge, of reasoning, and its powers of memory and imagination. 就是以你的学识、理智、想像力、思考力来服事主;
Neurocomputing science is a high level mind activities, which researches on how to speed up neural network to imitate and extend the functions of human brain as viewed from information science, such as association, memory, inference, thinking and consciousness intelligent behaviors and so on. 神经计算科学是从信息科学的角度来研究如何加速神经网络模仿和延伸人脑的高级精神活动,如联想、记忆、推理、思维及意识等智能行为。
To study the negative and positive mood music structural factors-speed, whether the consistency of mind and memory were also affected. 进而研究产生消极和积极情绪的音乐结构因素&速度,是否对心境一致性记忆也产生了影响。
The cognitive function belongs to higher nervous activity in human and animal, including every aspects of mind and intellect activity, which are aesthema, perception, learning and memory. 认知功能是人类和动物的大脑高级神经活动,主要包括精神、智力活动的各个方面,如感觉、知觉、学习、记忆,其中最主要的是学习和记忆。
Material collected above, The main home is a series of landscape photographs taken and combined with the mind and memory fragments impression on his hometown, to restore the home of his mind. 素材上面的收集,主要是拍摄一系列家乡风景的照片,并且与脑海中关于家乡印象的记忆片段相结合,还原自己心中的那个家乡。
In literary works, the repeating thing is a kind of image, a kind of mind which is very similar and little difference with things in memory. 在文学作品中,得以重复的东西是一种意象,是一种与记忆中的物象十分相似又具有差异的情思。
The speed of music as a factor inducing conditions, state of mind not only exists in the memory consistency explicit memory, and there is also implicit memory. 以音乐的速度因素作为诱发条件,心境一致性记忆不仅存在于外显记忆中,也存在于内隐记忆中。
Mind Map may be enhanced and enriched with color, pictures, codes and multi-dimension so as to add interest, beauty and individuality. These in turn aid creativity, memory and specifically the recall of information. 思维导图可以用色彩,图画,代码和多维度来加以修饰,增强效果,以便使其显得更有趣味,更美,更有特性,反之则会增强创造力,记忆力,尤其利于信息回忆。